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The Madness of MokcikNab
Motives, movements and melodrama in the life of a thirty something mum.

Saturday, August 21, 2004
Birthday Presents from Adam and Aiysha

In Uptown Damansara, next to Kopitiam Killiney, is a pet shop. The pet shop has a glass enclosure in front, in which there are, temporarily, 4 or 5 of the cutest, fluffiest, tumbliest, Persian kittens. Every time we pass by, I will ooh and aaah over these balls of fur and my kids will do the same. Although I would whine to Adam about wanting the kitten, I have no real intention of bringing any of them home, primarily because they cost as much as a Tiffany tennis bracelet and a Tiffany tennis bracelet will never poop on my sofa.

Also, we already have Snowy, a white male cat who, if he could speak, would have surely objected to his name because he should have been called Rambo or Charles Bronson or The Rock. My children, who at that time had a thing for Tin-Tin, found Snowy in a drain when he was just a small, adorable kitten. We had no idea he would later became the alpha male feline in the neighbourhood. It is quite possible that this cat, whose face is marred by numerous battle scars, would eat them pet-shop kittens.

Last night, I finished work rather late in the evening, and my kids met me in Strudels.

"Mummy! ", Adam said, brimming with excitement. " I got you what you wanted for your birthday!"
"Really? What did you get?", I said, hoping he would reply : a Tiffany tennis bracelet.

"I got you a kitten! Just like you've always wanted! I told Anwar to ask his grandmother for a kitten because it's your birthday!"

Anwar's grandmother lives at the end of our street and has a few Persian cats. I can just imagine her giving full co-operation to a venture like this.

"Adam, I wanted a diamond ring", I said with mock dissapointment.
"But Mummy, the kittens are worth 750 dollars! It's better than a diamond ring".

Adam, my prudential genius. I hope I have not raised a man who would buy his wife a tool-shed because it has the same price tag as a mastora necklace.

Aiysha gave me a birthday present too. She also said it was something I've always wanted.
"Mummy, for your birthday, we're giving you a clean house! Because we didn't make a mess today!"

"Yes, see?", Adam pointed out, "you got two things you wanted on your birthday!"

My grinning husband wholeheartedly agreed -- after all these are seeds from his loins, and he is the sort of guy who thinks sex is an appropriate gift. It's okay, next March, when the three of them celebrate their birthdays, I'll give myself a moratorium on nagging and complaining -- because it's something they've always wanted.


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