web counter The Madness of MokcikNab: No, You're Not Getting Your MTV
The Madness of MokcikNab
Motives, movements and melodrama in the life of a thirty something mum.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004
No, You're Not Getting Your MTV

My nine year old, Adam watching MTV : first Linkin Park and Jay-Z comes on, then Nelly. Nelly's video, as usual features lots of women in skimpy clothes. It cuts to a brief shot of Nelly singing, then lingering visuals of the women again. Adam gets irritated.

"Why can't they just show the guy singing?", he complained." You know like Linkin Park, when Chester sings, the camera stays on Chester. This one keeps going back to the girls".

Well, I explained, people who listen to Linkin Park don't care very much for sexy girls on video, but people who listen to Nelly want some eye-candy. (I'm generalizing, ok?)

"Even if the people watching are already married?", asked Mr. Incredulous. Uhuh, I said.

"Then, what's the point?", said he, "They've already missed their chance".

Maybe they just want to look, I said. Tell me, you're a guy, I added, why do guys want to look at perempuan tak pakai baju?

" I don't know", Adam insisted, "Go ask Dadda. I guess that's why he watches MTV when you're not around".


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