Next week, I'm looking to do a good job as an emcee at the sumptuous wedding reception for the daughter of a major industrialist. The groom is European, so the proceedings will be conducted in three languages. I found several old pantuns to match the occasion, and had taken the liberty to translate them into English for the benefit of guests who do not speak Malay. Hopefully, I did them justice.
Tinggi bukit gilang gemilang
Air laut tenang-tenangan
Budi sedikit tidak kan hilang
Itu menjadi kenang-kenangan
Lo behold the shining hill
Blue calm waters lap the shore
Time shall not fade your goodwill
It'll be treasured forevermore
Buah langsat di tepi busut
Mari diletak di dalam peti
Besar hajat kami menjemput
Besar niat di dalam hati
Beside the anthill the langsats lay
The fruits then placed inside a coffer
With this invite we hope to say
What's in our hearts we'd like to offer
Dua tiga kucing berlari
Mana kan sama si kucing belang
Dua tiga boleh ku cari
Mana kan sama tuan seorang.
In two and threes the cats may race
But none can peer the calico kitten
There could be many whom I may chase
By only you my heart is smitten
Dari mana punai melayang
Dari sawah turun ke kali
Dari mana datangnya sayang
Dari mata turun ke hati
From whence flies the dove
From the fields and down the brook
From whence flows the love
To the heart from just one look
Dari mana hendak ke mana
Tinggi rumput dari padi
Tahun mana bulan mana
Hendak kita berjumpa lagi
Tell me where you go from here
The grass grows taller than the padi grain
Tell me the month, tell me the year
When you and I shall meet again
Tall the shining hills
Still and calm the sea waters
Small even though the deed
In me, tall and still, forever I will keep
- richard